Jukic Hrvoje التطبيقات

Company Manager RT 1.2
Jukic Hrvoje
Create a well organized, fast growingcompany.You start with $1. To earn money you have to buy raw material, useit to produce products and sell them.Hire employees to do the job for you. With enough gold you can hiremanagers which constantly enroll new workers, creating a fastgrowing organization.Be careful, managers are greedy. Don't let your expenses overcomeyour income!Play in one of 3 available modes:Duration limit - own as much money as you can after the timeexpires.Wealth limit - earn the predefined quantity of money as fast as youcan.Survival - let your company last as long as possible.Thanks to all artist allowing the usage of their images for free,especially those I benefit from: Icons-Land (www.icons-land.com),Iconshock (www.iconshock.com), Freepik (www.freepik.com) andVisualPharm (www.visualpharm.com).
Company Manager 1.3.3
Jukic Hrvoje
Grow your company in a limited number of turns. Have as manyemployees as possible at the end of the game. You start with $1. Toearn money you have to buy raw material, use it to produce productsand sell them. Hire employees to do the job for you. Managers willdo even that for you. They hire a new employee each turn. Withenough money you will employ managers which hire lower-rankedmanagers creating a fast growing organization. Be careful, managersare greedy. Your expenses can easily overcome your income. The gamecan be stored on the SD card.
Gold Factory 1.7
Jukic Hrvoje
Manage a fast growing factory, which producesgold. Use the gold to hire more workers. With enough gold you canhire overseers which constantly enroll new workers.Be careful, don't let your expenses overcome your income!Play in one of 3 available modes:Time limit - own as much gold as you can after the timeexpires.Gold limit - earn the predefined quantity of gold as fast as youcan.Survival - let your factory last as long as possible.Thanks to all artist allowing the usage of their images for free,especially those I benefit from: Icons-Land (www.icons-land.com),Aha-Soft Team (www.aha-soft.com), Freepik (www.freepik.com),VisualPharm (www.visualpharm.com) and Lokas Software(www.awicons.com).
Gold Factory TB 1.3
Jukic Hrvoje
Manage a fast growing factory, which producesgold. Use the gold to hire more workers. With enough gold you canhire overseers which constantly enroll new workers.Be careful, don't let your expenses overcome your income!Play in one of 3 available modes:Time limit - own as much gold as you can after a number ofmoves.Gold limit - earn the predefined quantity of gold as fast as youcan.Survival - let your factory last as long as possible.Thanks to all artist allowing the usage of their images for free,especially those I benefit from: Icons-Land (www.icons-land.com),Aha-Soft Team (www.aha-soft.com), Freepik (www.freepik.com),VisualPharm (www.visualpharm.com) and Lokas Software(www.awicons.com).
Fusion 1.2
Jukic Hrvoje
Manage a fast expanding universe!Fusion simpler atoms to complex atoms. Complex atoms producesimpler atoms. This creates a fast expanding universe.Be careful, the universe can easily escalate!Play in one of 3 available modes:Time limit - own as much hydrogen as you can after a number ofmoves.Wealth limit - produce a predefined quantity of hydrogen as fast asyou can.Survival - let your universe last as long as possible.Thanks to all artist allowing the usage of their images for free,especially those I benefit from: Kris Brauer, Icons-Land(www.icons-land.com), Freepik (www.freepik.com).
Fusion Real-Time 1.2
Jukic Hrvoje
Manage a fast expanding universe!Fusion simpler atoms to complex atoms. Complex atoms producesimpler atoms. This creates a fast expanding universe.Be careful, the universe can easily escalate!Play in one of 3 available modes:Time limit - own as much hydrogen as you can when the time runsout.Wealth limit - produce a predefined quantity of hydrogen as fast asyou can.Survival - let your universe last as long as possible.Thanks to all artist allowing the usage of their images for free,especially those I benefit from: Kris Brauer, Icons-Land(www.icons-land.com), Freepik (www.freepik.com).
Lines2Polygons 2.0
Jukic Hrvoje
Algorithm sample
Bode Plot 4.4
Jukic Hrvoje
Draws the Bode plot for the entered transfer function.
Nyquist plot 3.1
Jukic Hrvoje
Draws the Nyquist plot for the entered transfer function.
Arrows Task 1.5
Jukic Hrvoje
Measures reaction time